When will Crazy Ones be released?
Thank you so much for your enthusiasm! Crazy Ones will officially released on January 21, 2025, and we’re thrilled to have you on this journey. You can join the pre-registration here: https://crazyones.noctua.gg/pre-register. We also highly recommend joining or following our community on social media to stay updated with the latest information.Few readersWhat are the system requirements to play Crazy Ones?
Android Minimum Requirements: OS: Android 9.0 or higher RAM: 4GB iOS Minimum Requirements: OS: iOS 12 or higher Compatible Devices: iPhone 7 and newerFew readersWhy game show incompatible on Play Store
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, and we completely understand how frustrating this situation must be. The system requirements for the Android version are that the devices need 4GB of RAM (excluding the extended RAM). Otherwise, the app will show as 'incompatible,' and you will not be able to download and play the game.Few readersWhy can’t I play the game?
The CBT for Crazy Ones ended on 23 December 2024, which is why you can’t play the game right now. Don’t worry! Crazy Ones will be released soon, and we’re thrilled to have you on this journey. You can join the pre-registration here: https://crazyones.noctua.gg/pre-register. We also highly recommend joining or following our community on social media to stay updated with the latest information.Few readersHow can I check the leaderboard?
It’s easy to check the leaderboard! Just head to “Outside” in the game menu and select “Hall of Fame.” That’s where you’ll find all the top players. Good luck climbing to the top!Few readersHow to obtain point of growth
About the points you can use for growth. You can obtain these points every time you get a 4-star or 5-star character from the GachaFew readers